Lower Tent Meadow to 1st State Lake.
Distance: 18km Elevation Gain: 1,376m.

Hiked through forested terrain on trail for 2 1/2 hours then I turned North and left the trail. Awesome, this was what I was here for! However, this was my first foray off trail and I realized that my education had only just begun as I spent a somewhat confusing hour finding my way to Grouse Lake.
Grouse Lake. I’m pointing to the first mountain pass on the route; Grouse Lake Pass. So beautiful here!

It’s so quiet here, there’s not a soul around and I love this hike already. Unfortunately my enthusiasm is tempered by stomach issues. I’ve been nauseous and feeling like throwing up all day. I’ve got heart burn, indigestion and my stomach is starting to hurt. I can’t eat and I’m wondering if the higher elevation is causing this as it is known to do to some people. I have no idea but I prepare another electrolyte drink (been having 2 per day) as it’s still pretty hot out.

Looking back on Grouse Lake
The view from both sides of Grouse Lake Pass
The next goal is that notch in the middle: Goat’s Crest Pass
Once over Goat’s Crest Pass you can see the first of the two Glacier Lakes
Goal for the day achieved, the first State Lake
My campsite on Day 2 beside the 1st State Lake.
Not feeling so great, tough day plus my stomach was getting worse and worse, ugh.

At the end of Day 2 I was at a loss as to why my stomach was giving me so much trouble. I was skeptical that it was only the effects of the higher elevation as I had bad heartburn, indigestion, nausea and sharp pains in my stomach for a good 10 seconds after even drinking water. Because of these issues I was only able to eat about 750 calories a day for the next 3-4 days. It felt like pounds were dropping off of me but I wasn’t the least bit hungry.

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