Twin Island Lakes to the Lyell Fork of the Merced River
Distance: 16.60m Elevation Gain: 885m

The route went past both Twin Island Lakes, up and across complex terrain, down into a deep valley, past Blue Lake and Blue Lake Pass and then into another valley down to the Lyell Fork of the Merced River
This peak seemed to be making it’s own clouds
Heading for this deep valley on the way to Blue Lake Pass
Looking back at the Minarets and the way I came from
The notch in the middle is Blue Lake Pass
One of the ways up Blue Lake Pass. On my first attempt I went about 3/4 of the way up and was faced with having to make some dicey moves to continue. After some initial moves the potential fall looked bad so I retreated down a ways, moved to the right and found the terrain much safer.
Flat location with a nice soft base, one of the best camping spots on the whole trip

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