Before Feather Pass to 1/2 way up to Gabbot Pass
Distance: 13.50km Elevation Gain: 660m

Had to reset my watch again so two maps. Went up and over Feather Pass then into the Bear Lakes Basin where all the names of the lakes have something to do with bears; White Bear Lake, Black Bear Lake, Teddy Bear Lake, etc.
After the Bear Lakes Basin I continued up the Lake Italy trail and then went off trail heading up to Gabbott Pass . I set up my tent in the mid afternoon to avoid being caught in what was probably the worst storm so far. I really didn’t understand how this could be happening day after day. A little before Lake Italy I met two ladies from Switzerland who were leaving the route because of all the thunderstorms. They were done! Should I consider that option, should I call it a day? It honestly never even crossed my mind, it would take a lot more to send me off this route. The next day almost provided that ‘more’.
The morning was sunny and warm as I summited Feather Pass. Above is Feather Peak.
The view below Feather Pass towards the Bear Lakes Basin.
Jagged and interesting peaks
Took a break with a stream and a little lake in front of me
Ursa Lake, my favorite ‘Bear Lake’, it felt so quiet and remote
I wished it was warmer here as the water looked so inviting. It was typically 5-8C degrees at night and 10-14C degrees during the day.
Really pretty little area
Looking back at Brown Bear pass – steep!
With the steep cliff on the right side it was important to stay to the left. The descent was slow and cautious.
Another pic from further away
Creek and waterfall flowing from Lake Italy. I had just joined the Lake Italy trail here.
Walking beside Lake Italy towards Gabbott Pass it was clear there was trouble ahead. I put on my rain jacket and pants and put the waterproof cover over my pack. About 1/2 hour later I set up the tent.
As the rained poured down a little creek formed around the tent
Continued from previous video
Now the water was running underneath me
Sitting in my tent I had time to kill so I took some selfies. I would like to say that was ice on my glasses but it was actually condensation.

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